
Note from your publisher- Self Care

Lock your car and find some self care this week!

January 31, 2020

Hello Friends! 

I'm so glad you're here. This is my second newsletter and I'm hope you guys are enjoying this journey with me so far! I wanted to talk a little bit about my week. As you may know, if you read my introduction article in my last newsletter, I am primarily a stay at home mom of 3 little ones- ages 4, 2.5 and 8 months old. Last Monday, we walked outside to go to the grocery store and discovered that my car was stolen from the driveway. My car, wallet, car seats, diaper bag, and a lot of personal items were gone. I won't go into all the details, but lets just say it has been a stressful week. Our primary vehicle, the only one that can transport our 3 children, is gone. We needed to secure a rental (thankfully our insurance has been wonderful to work with!), and begin making a list of everything in our car. I'm the kind of mom who basically lives in her car. I hadn't really cleaned it out since before we traveled for Christmas. It is sad to realize that we will most likely not see those items ever again. 

That brings me to what I actually wanted to talk about- SELF CARE. I am a big supporter of self care. I truly believe that it is crucial for everyone to practice self care, especially parents. The quote "you cannot pour from an empty cup" means a lot to me. Often my life is the constant cycle of breaking up arguments, wiping bums and noses, nursing, or feeding my kids snacks. Some days we leave the house and its a success. Some days we leave the house and we all have a meltdown. Some days we don't make it out of the house at all. But finding some self care in all of that is so important. Self care looks different to everyone. Yoga, haircuts, nails, reading a book, retail therapy, coffee, or maybe a bath. I am setting a new goal to make sure I achieve some sort of self care every week. I would love to hear what your favorite type of self care is. Can you set the same goal for yourself? Maybe some weeks that means you just finish one cup of coffee while it is still warm. And other weeks it means you hire a sitter and go out to dinner. My self care this week was a car shopping "date" with my husband- kid free! 

So, lock your car doors and find some self care this week! 

Peace, love and macaroni 
