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The Quarantine Burnout

How we're surviving and thriving during quarantine

By Kelsey Forsyth- Publisher May 13, 2020

Hello Macaroni Kid Norwich Family! 

I am back after a short break from publishing. I am sorry for being absent from writing, but like everyone, these have been hard times! As summer approaches, and life is slowly and safely begging to reopen (hopefully!) I'm glad to be back and publishing again. I will be adding events to the calendar, some will be virtual events, but I plan to add any in person events as they begin to pop up for anyone who feels comfortable attending. Macaroni Kid Norwich hopes to provide you with safe options for when you feel ready. Maybe that is now, or maybe that is a long time from now- That's ok. I encourage everyone to do what they feel comfortable doing and remember that it might look different to other people. 

Something that the last few months have taught me is to slow down and try to enjoy the little things. We've been spending more time outside with our kids and they love it. My boys really miss their friends, but we know it is important to distance for a few weeks (months?) and keep everyone safe so we have been having fun with our little family. We also are moving at the end of this month, so we have had plenty of time to try to organize and pack for the move! We have practiced our hair cutting skills, celebrated 2 birthdays, and we've done lots of crafts! We experimented with baking and new recipes, we made our own bread for a few weeks, before we ran out of yeast and haven't found any since. We planted starters, and then learned a lot about planting and found out we planted them too early- oops! We have tried to survive the "Quarantine Burnout" and have tried to thrive. Don't get me wrong, we've had some hard days. My kids beg to go to the playground and the aquarium, or go see their best friends, and it is hard to explain to a 3 and 4 year old why we can't do that right now. We have also made an effort to shop small and support small, local businesses right now- they need it more than ever. 

I hope this note finds you well and healthy and safe! I hope that you have all found some joys in the little things and found some light in this crazy time!